Celebration of Christian Manhood
Celebration of Christian Manhood (CCM)
The traditional circumcision ritual for Pokot boys is often very harsh and lasts for a couple of months. In response to this practice, which confirms the Pokot male as an adult and ready for marriage, COPE invited Pokot boys to come to the Mission for a week of teaching and fellowship. We have had to take a break from Celebration of Christian Manhood since the school schedule got condensed after the COVID shut down in 2020 but we are excited to start this back up again this year now that we are back on a normal schedule. This is for boys reaching puberty and teen years. It is a retreat focused on what it means to be a Godly man, leader, husband, and father. We spend time answering any questions the boys have in a clear informative way with a Christian point of view in mind. One of the big issues we face in the community is misinformation and lack of education for young men and women on these things. Having the opportunity to address this with these boys in a special right of passage retreat, helps us plant seeds that desperately need to take root in this community.; the value of women, the need to cease female genital mutilation (FGM), God’s plan for marriage, and taking responsibility for providing for your family.